torstai 25. helmikuuta 2016

'' Sam? ''- i was ready to cry. '' Emily, i can't believe it's you! ''- Sam looks me straight in my eyes. '' What are you doing here? ''. '' I just dropped my little sister to her dance class ''.'' Who's your little sister? '' . '' Sis? ''- Jessie says looking weirdly at me and Sam. '' Hey. Sam this is my little sister ''- I say as i pull Jessie close to me. '' Oh right, Jessie ''. '' Sam! ''. Some guy just yelled Sam's name. He's a weird looking boy but he was kinda cute. He runs towards us . '' What's up? The class just starting ''- the boy says. He looks at me. '' Who's she? '' - he asks. '' She's my sister, Emily ''- Jessie says. '' Emily this is Perry he's another one of the teachers. '' Hey'' . '' Hi ''. I look at him for a while. '' Umm , well i should go ''. '' Emily wait. How about we catch up after the lesson?''. '' Sure. Bye Jessie'' - i say and smile as i go out the door. I notice that the weird boy looked at me as i walked away. He was kinda cute though. I got a cup of coffee and went to the park to wait for the lesson to be over. As i saw Jessie, Sam and that cute boy coming out from the studio i started to smile and i couldn't stop. '' Hey, how was the lesson? '' - i ask while smiling. '' It was great. I loved every second of it ''. I could see the little spark on Jessie's eyes when she said that. I was so happy. '' She remind a lot of you when you were younger ''- Sam says while smiling at me. '' So Jessie, me and Sam gotta go catch up. You wanna go with your friend? ''. '' No i think i'll just stay in the park for a while '' . '' Okay. Call me if you need anything ''- i say as i smile at her. Me and Sam got a cup of coffee and started to walk around the park. '' So what's been going on? '' - Sam asks me. '' Sam if you just wanna ask me that am i still in the GROUP then ask '' . '' Wow. You are still as feisty as i remember '' - he laughs and then asks me. '' So are you still in the group? '' . '' Yeah. And i don't know how to get out '' . '' Have you tried to get out? ''. '' Are you seriously asking me that? ''- i laugh as i take a seat at this on bench. '' Of course i have tried. I wasn't as lucky as you were. Actually i tried a few weeks ago '' . '' How did it go? ''- Sam looks at like he thinks that i got away. '' They've gotten worse. If you try to get away they will hurt you. They won't let you go ''- i stare at the pond. '' Emily, what did they do? ''.  A tier runs down my cheek. I pull my shirt up and show Sam my back. '' They put really hot water it to this on tub and they put you in it and the keep you there until you can't scream ''. I can see on Sam' s face that he is shocked. Believe, i'm too..  I put my shirt down. '' Sam. I can't get away from them '' .'' We will find a way, i promise '' . '' It's not that easy Sam, if i try to get away from them again, they will do this again. But not me. To her '' - i look at my little sister playing by herself. '' Sam. Help me ''.

maanantai 22. helmikuuta 2016

Life can change

In this story there will be one thing that adds up with my real life and that's drugs. And i wanna share it with you guys. So last summer was amazing. But then something happened. A long the summer there were people in our group that were using drugs. And eventually all of us had tried drugs. So summer was gone and school had started, one day a girl in our group just called us and she was crying. She said that some one had busted her to her schools counselor and they did some drug tests and they came out positive. And i was shiting myself that if i was called out to also run those tests they would came out positive. So i told my parents so that it would came as a shock if i was called to those tests. But the fun thing is that i never was called out to run those tests. And after that our croup hasn't been the same. We are a lot closer now. But yeah... TO THE STORY!

 My family is different and we don't have a lot of money. Since i was 9 years old i had to look after my little sister but that was because of my parents were working for so many hours they didn't have a lot of time for us. And they still work a lot. Now i'm 15 and my little sister Jessie is 13 and i still have to look after her. Luckily she's a smart girl and doesn't go on wrong paths. But then there's me. I, on the other hand , had been a stupid little girl since the start. When i was 9 i joined this group of people that were very very bad. Once you join, you don't get away from them. But i found this on guy named Sam. He was a cool guy and he was like me. He didn't want to be in that group and some how he got out of the group. I thought that i would never see Sam again until this one day. 

'' Sis, my dance rehearsals start in a minute! We gotta hurry! ''- Jessie screams at my ear as i try to keep up with her little feet. '' There it is! ''- Jessie screams like a little child in a candy store. '' Jessie, stop screaming ''-  i tell Jessie. '' Oh. Sorry '' - Jessie says as she slows down. '' Here it is. Wanna came inside? ''. '' Are you sure that that's okay? ''- i ask Jessie. '' Yeah. I don't think that the guys would mind '' - Jessie grabs my hand and pulls me in. She takes me to this big, fancy room with big mirrors. '' So this is where you dance? ''- i ask while gazing to the big room. '' Yeah. Will you wait here while i'll go and change? I want you to meet the guy '' - Jessie asks. '' Sure. I'll wait but be quick ''. '' Okay '' - Jessie runs towards the dressing room. I keep looking at the room. I was once a dancer too and this room brings some memories. I smile.  '' No way.  Emily? ''. I look up to a guy that's walking towards me. '' Is that you Emily? ''. I look once more at this guy. '' I-i don't believe it. Sam? ''- i walk towards him. We hug. It really is him. 
I'm trying to think. I can't, my thoughts are all over the place. Sherlock Holmes? My uncle. '' Wait what?''- John interrupts my thoughts. '' Sherlock why haven't you told me that you had a sister?''. ''Because she never wanted us to talk about her. She was embarrassed of us. She wanted a normal family so she never wanted to talk to us or about us. And she asked us to do the same towards her ''. '' But still i turned just like you ''. Suddenly i start to cry. And i just keep crying. '' Georgie? ''. '' She always said that i was weird and why can't i be like a normal kid. And i tried so hard to be normal but i couldn't. This is what i am. Why couldn't she just accept me? ''. I couldn't stop crying. '' Did she do something to you? ''- John asked me. I don't reply. '' Of course she didn't. Right, Georgie? ''- Mycroft stares at me. I can't tell them. '' No. She didn't do anything ''. I know that Sherlock sees that i'm lying but i look straight at his eyes. '' Is she speaking the truth? ''- Mycroft asks Sherlock. Sherlock thinks for a while and then answers his brother. '' Yes, she is ''. Mycroft looks at both of us. '' Well then. I'll be on my way. I'll see you soon Georgie ''- Mycroft says as he walks through the door.  '' She lied didn't she? ''- John asks us. '' Wow. Even you saw that she was lying. What is wrong with Mycroft today? ''- Sherlock wounder's as he goes to sit in his chair. '' So, Georgie, do you wanna tell us what happened? ''- John asks me. '' Maybe when the time is right. Now you have a visitor ''- i say as i look up towards the door. There's a woman standing there. '' Georgie why don't you go and make us a cup of tea? '' - i look at Sherlock. '' Of course after that you can join us ''- he says and gives me a little wink. I wipe my tears of and welcome the lady in. After that i have been with my uncle and doctor Watson solving crimes.

tiistai 2. helmikuuta 2016

''What do you mean?''- John asks. '' I mean i'm not going back ''. I start to feel that that John guy doesn't like that i'm here by my self. But Sherlock. He wants me to stay. '' Let's talk more when we get back to Baker Street ''- Sherlock says kindly as he goes to get a taxi for us. '' How old are you?''- John asks me. '' I just turned 16 today ''. I was waiting for John to say something to threaten me to go back home but he says: '' Well. Happy birthday, Georgie''. I look at him and i smile. '' Well are you two coming? ''- Sherlock shouts for us next from a gab. We go to the taxi and went to Baker Street.
When we arrived I told them all of the weird stuff that happened along my life.  When i finished, Sherlock just kept staring at something.  He was silence for a long time until someone knocked on the door. '' I'm sorry, Sherlock are you busy? ''. He was a fancy looking man. What was weird about him was that he was carrying and umbrella but it wasn't raining. '' Of course not. You were just the person i was looking for. Would you mind coming to the kitchen with me? ''. '' Of course not but who is this young girl? ''. '' My name is Georgie ''. '' Georgie i assume that you know already who he is ''- Sherlock shouts from the kitchen. '' Yes, but i'm missing a name. You know that i can't see names ''. '' Yes, yes i know. He is Mycroft ''. '' Ahaa yes. Is he really your brother? ''. '' Yes. Very good, Georgie ''. '' Now Mycroft, would you mind coming to the kitchen?! ''- Sherlock keeps shouting. Mycroft moves to the kitchen. I can't hear clearly what they are talking about. '' So, Georgie ''- John starts to make small talk. I can't be rude to him. I have to play this like i was in school. I smile and try to be polite. '' Yes? ''. '' Do your parents know that you are on the other side of England? ''. I can hear the concerned tone in Johns voice and in a way i understand it. But he doesn't seem to understand me and why i am doing this. '' No they don't. But i did told them that i was going to find my uncles ''. '' And they were okay with it? ''. '' I mean no. But they know that this is the best for me right now. Hey John. I know that you don't understand me or this thing that i'm doing. But believe me. It's good for me''. '' Okay. If you say so. But i would like to keep an eye on you ''- John says with a tiny laugh.  '' NO THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! IT CAN'T BE HER! ''. Both me and John gaze towards the kitchen where the shouting came from.Suddenly both Sherlock and Mycroft came out to the living room. '' Goergie what is your moms name and when was she born and when were you born? ''- Mycroft asks me. '' I am a bit confused but i answer with out hesitating. '' My moms name is Lilian, she was born in 19th of August, 1982 and i was born 29th of May 2000 ''. '' Jesus! She was only 18 ''- Mycroft seems upset. '' If i may ask, what's going on? ''- I ask carefully. The brothers look at each other and then me. Sherlock sits next to me on the couch. '' Georgie. Your mother is our sister. You are our niece. We are your uncles you were looking for''

To be continued...


    Here i will write all of my day dreams and my hopes. And i will write them as if they were stories because i love stories. Especially love, mystery and supernatural stories. I dunno't think that i will be writing anything very long stories but you never know. So the first story is going to be about a girl how was very very smart and she didn't know why or where her intelligence came from. Enjoy!

  No one understands me. Everybody, even my parents are too stupid for me. School is boring because i know already everything they teach us. I'm only doing it for my parents. They are worried that something is wrong with me! I don't blame them. It is weird for an 15 soon 16 year old to know how everything was born and how our neighbours dog died. What? It was a lot funnier and more difficult that ANYTHING at school.  Anyways. I have been thinking that some one in my family has to be as smart as me. But i had already met all of my family and relatives and none of them are like my. But yesterday i found it. A clue that i have been waiting for my whole life. My mother has two brothers that she has never told me about. Of course i tried to do an DNA test but the doctors didn't let me without my parents permission. So i did what i had to do. No more for my parents. This time i'm doing something. For me.  
       I waited nicely until i turned 16. Today i left Scotland and came to London. I need to find answers. When i stepped out from the airport the first thing i do is star to analyse people. It's a natural thing for me. I see so much more now. Suddenly i fall. Someone has bumped into me. '' Ou so sorry miss. Here let me help you''. A friendly voice speaks. I look up and i nice, small, man was offering me his hand. I grab on it and he pulls me up. '' Are you alright?''- he asks me. I look at him and analyse him. A doctor and a soldier. Interesting. '' Wait what did you just do?''- the man asks me. ''What?''- i reply.'' John! ''. The man turned around towards the shouter. John. That's his name. '' Just wait here for a minute''. The man that called him looks weird. He has a fancy jacket, kinda curly hair. They are talking about me. The weird man looks towards me. He walks up to me. I try to analyse him but it's harder to analyse him. '' What can you read about me?''- he asks. '' What? ''- how did he know?
'' Tell me. What can you read about me ''. I wounder for a while then i take another look at him.'' You don't clean in your house. No pets. Blood on your coat but no yours. Hair on your jacket, yours and i assume his ''- i look at the man named John. '' Where did you learn that? ''- the man asks me. '' Didn't. I have always known how to do that''. '' Interesting. What's your name and what are you doing here and... Where are your parents? ''.'' My name is Georgie. I'm looking for someone and they are in Scotland ''. '' Well you are in luck Georgie. I can help you find the person you are looking for. Name is Sherlock Holmes, detective. Do you have a place to live? ''. '' I'm not going to stay here. I'm going to live here.''

To be continued...